/* BANNER CAROUSEL OVERRIDES */ $(document).ready(function() { .product_tile__brand { Bought this early after rave reviews in the community. $('a[title="Women\'s"]').addClass('womensTopLevelLink'); margin: 10px; console.log('Desktop Sizing'); .newsletter-signup__article .form-submit-container {width: 88%;} I am a huge fan of the original EDP and I was fortunate to find this one available in Sephora in Canada! Still have it. If you ever wanted more from black orchid you should love this.. if (window.location.href.match("/chanel-perfumes/")) { $('.plpContentTile').css('display','none'); headerSearch.addClass("header_search_mobile_fix"); 10/10 Definitely a masterpiece!! /* TPS ME LOGO $('.header_mobile__link-store_locator').hide(); // if (window.location.href.match("/dior/")) { It envelops you like a fragrant black silk scarf. // if(window.location.href.indexOf("/chanel") > -1) { // $(".chanelLadies a:contains(GABRIELLE CHANEL)").insertBefore($(".chanelLadies a:eq(2)")); $this.attr('title', navLinkName); T660 BLACK ORCHID ALL OVER BODY SPRAY. /* FINISHING TOUCHES */ Just to do a quick comparison - I just got my bottle in the mail that I ordered from the Tom Ford website. /* ARIC TEXT SIZE OVERRIDE */ .newsletter-signup__article .question.checkbox-inline {margin: 1rem 0 0;} .instagram_component__images {padding-bottom: 40px;} love it like i love walking into a sweet shop/patisserie, sweet in the air and almost tangible. .six_tiles_block {width: calc(100% / 3 - 5px);} This is a slightly more masculine version of the EDP and stays slightly closer to the skin. margin: 10px 0; $('div[data-categoryname="Women\'s"] a[title="Women\'s Perfume"], .mobileTopLevelWomens a:contains(Women\'s Perfume)').addClass('womensNavWomensPerfumeLink'); .hero_carousel__title { @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width:1023px) { font: 30px/120% "DIN Condensed Bold", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } font: 36px/100% 'DIN Condensed Bold', sans-serif; overflow: hidden; /* FEEFO CART WIDGET */ Worth every penny and blind buy safe if you’re familiar with the line and like it. Tom Ford Black Orchid is a sensual fragrance and voluttuosa, evokes the essences icon of the past, that look the natural scent of leather. //for page load $('
  • 10% Off Your Favourite Brand10% Off Your Favourite Brand
  • ').insertAfter('.product_grid__item:nth-child(5), .product_grid__item:nth-child(15)'); h1.checkout_process__header_text { $('
    ').insertAfter('body'); margin: 0 0 20px; Agree with previous reviewers. /* ADD LINKS TO DROPDOWN */ }, 3000); | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano | Русский | Polski | Português | Ελληνικά | 汉语 | Nederlands | Srpski | Română | العربية | Українська | Монгол | עברית | Luxois Watches | /* TPS BLACK FRIDAY ME LOGO width: 193% !important; font-size: 16px; // },1000); If you are saying that this doesn’t last long or perform, you may want to compare it side by side to the original. if (window.location.href.indexOf("/cart") > -1) { $(".brand__aside").insertAfter(".brand__header"); font: 26px/140% "Mark My Words Clean", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .newsletter-signup__article .button:hover, .newsletter-signup__article .button:active { font-size: 12px; - 100ML, ONLY } } } This is not worth it in my opinion, if you love the edp. $(this).attr('href', 'http://parceltrace.co.uk/ConsLinkv3.asp?ConsNumber=' + trackingID + '&DSN_Tracking=1'); text-transform: uppercase; .header .header_top__search {height: 49px;} // $('.plpContentTile').css('display','none'); margin:-20px auto 0!important; max-width: 100%; width: 100%; wow some of you guys are so mellow dramtic when describing a fragrance. if(window.location.href.indexOf("/newsletter/newsletterthanks?confirmationToken=") > -1) { Eau de Parfum for her It also smells vastly different on my spouse and myself- on me it quickly shifts to a creamy sweet tiramisu like scent, on him it smells strangely like cedar. width: 100%; // $('.plpContentTile').css('display','none'); - 100ML, ONLY width: 100%; } $('
  • Excellent ServiceExcellent Service
  • ').insertAfter('.product_grid__item:nth-child(5), .product_grid__item:nth-child(15)'); } margin-bottom: 0px; $( document ).ajaxSuccess(function( event, xhr, settings ) { /* HIGHLIGHT OFFER TEXT IN PDPs */ Any news when it will be available in the UK? width: 80%; display: none; } margin: 0px 0px 15px; if(window.location.href === "https://www.theperfumeshop.com/womens"){ Description. The Parfum is as if the original edp took a boring pill. .instagram_component__title {padding:20px 0 10px;} I was SO excited to try it, thinking a perfume version of the Black Orchid edp bomb (?) /* NEWSLETTER SIGNUP PAGE */ and to me, it gives it a bit of a tropical feel. }); // $(".chanelMens a:contains(POUR MONSIEUR)").insertBefore($(".chanelMens a:eq(4)")); } $('div[data-categoryname="Men\'s"] a[title="Offers For Him"], .mobileTopLevelMens a:contains(Offers For Him)').addClass('mensNavOffersForHimLink'); .cartRewardsPrompt span {color: #e00034;} left: 0; It is nice. $('.component_title:contains(PICKS JUST FOR YOU)').html('YOU MAY ALSO LIKE'); if ( settings.url.match(/results\?page=[0-9]/) ){ Only enter your message once you\'re happy with your bag contents. $('').appendTo('.header_category__content[data-categoryname="Valentine\'s"] .header_category__content_column:nth-child(3), .header_category__content[data-categoryname="Personalised Perfume Bottles"] .header_category__content_column:nth-child(1)'); color: #ffffff; margin: 1rem 0; .newsletter-signup__article .question label {font-size: 1rem;} '); $('
  • Good Value For MoneyGood Value For Money
  • ').insertAfter('.product_grid__item:nth-child(5), .product_grid__item:nth-child(15)'); I tested this, wanted to see if the YouTubers were right about it being boozier. if (window.location.href.indexOf("/finishing-touches") > -1) { Enjoy your favourite fragrance wherever you may be with the Tom Ford Black Orchid Collection. font-family: "DIN Condensed Bold", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; .instagram_component__link { padding: 10px; #feefoCartWidget {margin-top: 20px;} margin: 0 auto; } It’d suit somebody who’s very confident very well. I lost it during a move and then found it later in a box in the closet. $('div[data-categoryname="Men\'s"] a[title="New In For Him"], .mobileTopLevelMens a:contains(New In For Him)').addClass('mensNavNewInForHimLink'); if(window.location.href.indexOf("/luxury") > -1) { if (settings.url.match(/get-product-details\?productCode=[0-9]/)) { ._hj-widget-container button { .hero_carousel__live_text #countdownTitleTwoAMW #countdownDateAMW { font-family: 'Muli', sans-serif; Apparently not in the UK until September according to TF. £7.51, Eau de Parfum Refillable for her }); As for the Parfum, I agree that it's boozier (so the winner for boozy lovers, I reckon), and I'd say it's probably easier to wear for most people. .hero_carousel__title .bannerTitleMMW {font: 40px/140% "Mark My Words Clean", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} } var navLinkName = $this.html(); $('